What is NAET and how does it work?

NAET – Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques

A technique to clear energy blockages in the body.

So what does that mean?

NAET is based on acupuncture theory which states that we have energy running through pathways in our body and those pathways connect up to our organs. The energy in the pathways help the organs work properly. If those pathways get blocked, then we may get symptoms, and those can be your allergies or some other symptoms you may not think of as allergies, for example, headaches, fatigue or nausea. 

Now, ‘energy’ might not be an idea that people are comfortable with but if you think about the body, we run on a lot of different energies.  These energies can even be measured in medicine; ECGs measure the electrical activity of the heart to see if it is working properly and we can measure electrical energy of the brain (brainwaves) to look for problems. Our nervous system is like a big electrical system that is sending signals to the brain or to our muscles and organs. Then there are the chemical energies of the hormones. The word ‘energy’ should not seem too foreign when you can see it works in both worlds of medicine – both Eastern and Western.

We also know that everything else in the world has energy:  the food we eat, the pollens, animals, and so on. We don’t necessarily see this energy ­– the same way we cannot see the wave particles that hit our eye when we know we are looking at something blue or green. Those energies can affect the energy in our body and how it functions. They can block our own energy and cause dysfunction in the body. This is really what we are checking and balancing.

How do we identify the energy blockages?

If energy gets blocked in the body, it will also block energy to the muscles, and they will weaken. I  do something called muscle testing where I expose you to the energy of the item and then check the strength of a muscle by pushing on the muscle. You will be able to tell the difference between a strong muscle (no energy blockage) and a weak muscle (your energy is being blocked).

Unblocking the energy involves a very gentle technique of acupressure on specific acupuncture points in the body that help unblock the energy flow. This is also based on acupuncture theory: when we insert a needle into an acupuncture point on an energy pathway, we say we are opening a gate and allowing energy to flow freely, that is, we are unblocking the blocked energy flow.

So by energetically rebalancing the body, this may prevent your symptoms from occurring.


I am not a Doctor and do not offer medical advice.  The information on this website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  I make no claims, promises or guarantees as to the outcome of any service that is offered on this website.  I do not diagnose or treat specific health challenges.  You are responsible for your own health, medical treatment and care.  Always contact your Doctor if you feel unwell.  Any recommendations of supplements are a recommendation only; it is your responsibility to check with your Doctor the suitability of any supplements for you.

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