Purpose and Philosophy

Healthy Balance

To provide wellness options to encourage and support human health and wellbeing = salutogenesis.

Salutogenesis is the practice of focusing and supporting wellness and health resilience as opposed to focusing on illness.

Healthy equilibrium is an expression of wellness, where feeling out of balance (off-kilter) is an expression of illness.

In addition to NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy and Elimination Techniques), Natural Allergy Therapies can offer you both anthroposophic and homeopathic medicines from Weleda to encourage a healthy balance.

Anthroposophic medicines, products and practices show the systems in our body the path to healthy balance. They encourage the ability to heal yourself, by finding your healthy equilibrium. Anthroposophic medicine is a person-centred extension of conventional medicine. Described as integrative medicine, this approach includes all aspects of lifestyle – nutrition, sleep, exercise and time for self, for the maintenance of wellness, healthy equilibrium and strong resilience. Its holistic approach to wellness therefore considers the physical, psychological, spiritual and social aspects of wellness and illness.

Homeopathic medicines encourage healthy balance by provoking a healing response to a minimal dose. Homeopathics are thought to work by triggering the body’s own healing capacity and follows the principle of like curing like.

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