About the NAET® Energy Balancing Master Kit

NAET Energy Balancing Kit
NAET® Energy Balancing Kit

The NAET® Energy Balancing Master Kit contains the following:

  1. BBF (Brain Body Balance Formula)
  2. Egg Mix
  3. Calcium Mix
  4. Vitamin C Mix
  5. B Complex Mix
  6. Sugar Mix
  7. Iron Mix
  8. Vitamin A Mix
  9. Mineral Mix
  10. Salt Mix
  11. Grain Mix
  12. Yeast Mix
  13. Stomach Acids
  14. Base
  15. Hormones
  16. Vitamin K
  17. Heat Energy
  18. Cold Energy
  19. Ribo Mix
  20. Deoxyribo Mix
  21. Organ Mix
  22. Brain Mix
  23. Glands
  24. Glandulars
  25. Carbon
  26. Oxygen
  27. Nitrogen
  28. Hydrogen
  29. Artificial Sweeteners
  30. Caffeine Mix
  31. Nut Mix 1
  32. Nut Mix 2
  33. Spice Mix 1
  34. Spice Mix 2
  35. Dried Bean Mix
  36. Amino Acids
  37. Phenolics
  38. Vaccine Mix
  39. Animal Fat
  40. Vegetable Fat
  41. Turkey
  42. Food Colourings
  43. Food Additives
  44. Starch Mix
  45. Virus Mix
  46. Bacteria Mix
  47. Parasite Mix
  48. Insect Mix
  49. Nightshade Vegetables
  50. Salicyclic Acids
  51. Gum Mix
  52. Alcohol
  53. Baking Powder/Baking Soda
  54. Gelatin
  55. Vitamin E
  56. Vitamin T
  57. Vitamin F
  58. Chemical Mix
  59. Formaldehyde Mix
  60. Perfume Mix
  61. Plastics
  62. Pesticide
  63. Dust Mix and Dust Mites
  64. Animal Epithelial/Animal Dander
  65. Newspaper/Newspaper Ink
  66. Crude Oil
  67. I.D. (Immune Deficiency Disorder)
  68. Rad Mix
  69. Smoking
  70. Pollen Mix
  71. Grass Mix
  72. Weed Mix
  73. Mould Mix
  74. Tree Mix
  75. Wood Mix
  76. Fabric Mix
  77. Flower Mix
  78. Latex

About The NAET® Basic 17

The NAET® Basic 17 are the essential nutrients that are needed by everyone. The NAET® Energy Balancing Procedure is carried out for these first, one at a time. Subsequent allergens can be prioritised according to your specific needs at that time.


I am not a Doctor and do not offer medical advice.  This information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  I make no claims, promises or guarantees as to the outcome of any service that is offered on this website.  I do not diagnose or treat specific health challenges.  You are responsible for your own health, medical treatment and care.  Always contact your Doctor if you feel unwell.

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